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Learning Manners / A Story of Class 2 with Exercise Work

Learning Manners / A Story of Class 2 with Exercise Work

Learning Manners / A Story of Class 2 with Exercise Work, class 2 chapter 9 question answer, learning manners chapter ka Hindi translation,goodmanners

There was a boy. His name was Rahul. One day Rahul was eating a banana sitting under a tree in a park.

एक लड़का था।  उसका नाम था राहुल।  एक दिन राहुल पार्क में एक पेड़ के नीचे बैठकर केला खा रहा था।

Just nearby a monkey was sitting. It also had a banana in its hand. It climbed up the tree and began eating the banana. 

पास ही में एक बंदर बैठा था। उसके भी हाथ में एक केला था।  वह पेड़ पर चढ़ गया और केला खाना शुरु कर दिया।

From the tree the monkey saw Rahul eating the banana. It kept on watching Rahul. Rahul too kept looking at the monkey. While Rahul was eating the banana he kept making funny faces. The monkey too, made faces just as Rahul did.

पेड़ से बंदर ने राहुल को केला खाते हुए देखा।  राहुल को देखता रहा।  राहुल भी बंदर को देखता रहा।  जब राहुल केला खा रहा था तो वह मजाकिया चेहरे बनाता रहा।  बंदर ने भी राहुल की तरह चेहरे बनाए।

When Rahul finished eating the banana he flung the banana peel on the ground.

जब राहुल ने केला खाना समाप्त किया तो उसने केले के छिलके को जमीन पर फेंक दिया।

The monkey looked at the banana peel in its hand for a moment. Then it climbed down the tree. The monkey then ran to a nearby dustbin and put the banana peel into it.

बंदर ने एक पल के लिए अपने हाथ में केले के छिलके को देखा।  फिर वह पेड़ से उतर गया।  फिर बंदर दौड़कर पास के कूड़ेदान में गया और उसमें केले का छिलका डाल दिया।

Rahul was ashamed that he had thrown the banana peel on the ground.

राहुल को शर्म आ रही थी कि उसने केले का छिलका जमीन पर फेंक दिया था।

New words 

Banana - a pulpy fruit केला

Climb - to go up चढ़ना

Funny - fun like मजाकिया

Nearby- close पास

Watching - to see attentively देखना

Peel- the outer part of a fruit or vegetable छिलका

Dustbin - in which we put waste things कूड़ेदान 

1. Write one word for each word of the same sound-

Example: boy - toy

a) tree - free                      b) park - dark 

c) near - dear                    d) look - took 

e) monkey - donkey

2. Make words adding 'ing'-

a) sit + ing = sitting

b) keep +  ing  = keeping

c) look +  ing  = looking

d) make +  ing  = making

e) run +  ing  = running

f) put +  ing  = putting 

g) feel +  ing  = feeling 

3. Fill in the blanks with the words from the story that tell us what lesson the monkey taught Rahul-

The monkey looked at the banana peel in its hand for a moment. Then it climbed down the tree. The monkey then ran to a nearby dustbin and put the banana peel into it. 

4. Put a tick (✔) or cross (✖) against each of the following sentences-

a) Throw the banana peel on the floor after eating it.  ✖

b) Never say 'thanks' to anyone.  ✖

c) Put the peel into dustbin.  ✔

d) Amar always greets the elders whenever he meets them.  ✔

e) Don't be so gentle. ✖

5. Answer the following questions-

a) What was Rahul eating under a tree? 

Ans.- Rahul was eating a banana sitting under a tree.

b) Where did the monkey climb to eat the banana? 

Ans.- The monkey climbed up the tree to eat the banana. 

c) What did Rahul do while eating the banana? 

Ans.- Rahul made funny faces while eating the banana.

d) What did the monkey do when Rahul made funny faces? 

Ans.- The Monkey too, made funny faces just as Rahul did. 

e) What did Rahul do when he finished eating the banana?

Ans.- When Rahul finished eating the banana he flung the banana peel on the ground.

6.  Make a list of five manners.

Ans.- i) Always respect your elders.

ii) Never tell a lie. 

iii) Always obey your elders. 

iv) Wash your hands before and after eating. 

v) Be gentle and honest.


The Father of the Nation 

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