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Class 6 Computer Solution of chapter 2 CYBER WORLD

 Class 6 Computer Solution of chapter 2 


1. Fill in the blanks:-

a) Internet is also called as World Wide Web .

b) Internet is a global connection of network.

c) Two examples of web browsers are Opera and Safari.

d) A software package which helps to browse website and view web pages is called as Web Browser .

e) A Search Engine is an information gathering system that helps to find any type of information that is stored on internet.

2. Match the following:-

a) Tata Photon+          b) US Department of Defence

b) ARPA                        c) First page of a website 

c)  Home Page             e) Network of networks 

d) Google Chrome      a) ISP

e)  Internet                  d) Web browser

3. Expand the following abbreviations:-

a) ARPA- Advanced Research Project Agency.

b) BSNL- Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.

c) NSF- National Science Foundation.

d) ISP- Internet Service Provider.

e) WWW- World Wide Web.

4. Answer the following questions:-

a) Define Internet?

Ans- Internet is structure joining various computer network together with the help of a telecom line or other communication channels like microwave, satellite etc.

b) what do you understand by web page and website?

Ans. - Web Page-- Internet consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents. Each of such electronic documents that is displayed through a website is called a web page.

Website-- The collection of web pages maintained by particular user / organisation to display information on internet is called as website.

5. Multiple choice questions:-

a) a website is known by a unique address called ................. .

i) home address  ii) web address  iii) user address  iv) user ID

Ans. - ii) web address

b) The first page that opens in a website is termed as:

i) start page ii) start screen iii) home page  iv) all of these

Ans. - iii) home page

c) which of the following is not a web browser?

i) Safari  ii) Opera  iii) Google Chrome  iv) Real Chrome

Ans. - iv) Real Chrome

d) Which is of the following are services of internet?

i) Email ii) Information iii) Entertainment  iv) All of these

Ans.  - iv) All of these


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