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Class 4 Computer Lesson 1 Evolution of Computer, Complete Solution

Class 4 Computer Lesson 1 Evolution of Computer

1. Fill in the blanks:-

a) Speed of computer is measured in MIPS.

b) Unorganised information is called data.

c) Difference Engine was made to function with the help of steam power.

d) Charles Babbage is known as the father of computer.

2. Match the following invention with their inventor:-

a) Abacus                    c) Blaise Pascal 

b) Napier bones         e) Joseph J. Jacquard 

c) Adding Machine    d) Charles Babbage 

d) Difference Engine b) John Napier

e) Punched Card        a)Egyptian

3. Mention about the first:-

a) calculating device- Abacus is the first mechanical calculating device of the world.

b) Electronic computer- ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator) is officially said to be the first valve-based electronic computer.

c) Programmer- Lady Ada lovelace is known as the world's first programmer. A programming language ada is named after her.

d) Punched cards- Jacquard's Loom is the first Punched card which is developed by Joseph Jackward. It showed a method as to how to store information on punched cards at that time. 

4. Write short notes on:-

a) Pascaline:- Blaise Pascal a French mathematician invented calculating machine called Pascaline. This device is believed to be the first calculator of the world.

b) Abacus:- Abacus was first invented by Egyptian and later it was developed by the Chinese and Japanese. It is said that Abacus was the first mechanical calculating device of the world. 

c) Analytical Engine:- Analytical Engine was designed by Charles Babbage which worked with the help of steam power. It is said to be the first automatic general purpose digital computing device. 

d) CPU:- The entire processing of computer is done inside CPU. It is known as the brain of computer.

5. Justify the statement;" computer is an accurate machine".

Answer:-  Computer is an accurate machine because it never makes mistakes and works exactly according to the instructions given to it.

6. Define computer on the basis of its characteristics.

Answer :- A computer can be defined as an electronic device which processes a set of row data to convert it into meaningful and useful information with high speed and accuracy and can store huge volume of information in small space for future use.

7. List down the limitation of computer.

Answer:- The limitation of computer-

i) It cannot think on its own.

ii) It has no sentiments.

iii) It has only artificial intelligence. It cannot learn from the past experience.

iv) It has no learning power.

8. How computer acts like a safe vault?

Answer :- A computer can store the important information which cannot be accessed by unauthorised users. In this way a computer acts like a safe vault. 

9. Justify the 'Diligence' characteristic of computer.

Answer :- Computer never gets tired and can work efficiently for hours at a stretch unless and until there is a technical fault. 

10. List the name of five input devices.

Answer:- Five input devices are- keyboard, mouse, scanner, barcode reader and joystick.

11. Write the functions of the following:-

a) Joystick:- It is used to play games on the computer.

b) Printer:- It is used to print the results on the paper.

12. Mention how computers are used at the following:-

a) Hospitals:

Answer- At Hospital a computer is used to diagnose several diseases of patient. It is used to keep records of patients and it is used in micro surgery.

b) Defence:

Answer- In defence a computer is used to track the movement of incoming missile and it is used in mapping and plotting. 

c) School:

Answer- At School a computer help in fee collection and to demonstrate about various topic . It helps in result preparation.

d) Science and Research:

Answer- In science and research field a computer is used for making robots, weather forecasting, launching of satellite and keeping records of different research and experiments done in the labs.

13. Suggest the solution for the given situation in one word/ line.

a) Aditya lives in hostel. He went on a school trip last week. He took snaps during his trip and his father transfer them to his computer. Answer the given question:

i) Which output device would be used to print the snaps?

Ans.- Printer .

ii) Which device his mother should use to see the photographs?

Ans.- Monitor.

iii) Which device his friends should use to type comments on the photographs?

Ans.- Keyboard. 

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