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Unity is Strength // A story of class 2 with Hindi Translation Exercise Work

 Unity is Strength // A story of class 2 with Hindi Translation Exercise Work 

Unity is strength ( एकता ही शक्ति है)

Unity is Strength // A story of class 2 with Hindi Translation Exercise Work , class 2 English Chapter 11 ka question answer,

There was an old farmer. 

एक बूढ़ा किसान था।  

He had four sons. 

उसके चार बेटे थे।  

They were quarrelling among themselves. 

वे आपस में झगड़ रहे थे।  

They lived never together.

वे कभी साथ नहीं रहते थे।

The farmer was very anxious about his sons. 

किसान अपने बेटों के लिए बहुत चिंतित था।

Once he thought a plan. 

एक बार उसने एक योजना सोची।  

He called his all the four sons. 

उसने अपने चारों पुत्रों को बुलाया।  

He gave them a bundle of sticks and told them to break the bundle. 

उसने उन्हें डंडों का एक गट्ठर दिया और  गट्ठर तोड़ने के लिए कहा।  

They tried one by one. 

उन्होंने एक-एक करके कोशिश की।  

But no one could break the bundle. 

लेकिन बंडल को कोई तोड़ नहीं सका।  

They failed.

वे विफल रहें।

Now the farmer asked his sons to untie the bundle. 

अब किसान ने अपने पुत्रों से गट्ठर खोलने को कहा।  

They did so. 

उन्होंने ऐसा किया।  

All the sticks were separate from each other. 

सभी डंडे एक दूसरे से अलग थे।  

They tried to break one by one. 

उन्होंने एक-एक कर तोड़ने की कोशिश की।  

They broke the sticks one by one. 

उन्होंने एक-एक कर लाठियां तोड़ दीं। 

Now they were very glad as they had broken the sticks.

 अब वे बहुत खुश हुए क्योंकि उन्होंने लाठियाँ तोड़ दी थीं।

Now the father made them understand, "when all the sticks were tied, nobody could broke the bundle. 

अब पिता ने उन्हें समझाते हुए कहा, ''जब सभी लाठियां बंधी थीं तो कोई भी गट्ठर नहीं तोड़ सकता था। 

On the other hand when they tried to break one by one, they broke all the sticks."

दूसरी ओर जब उन्होंने एक-एक करके तोड़ने की कोशिश की तो उन्होंने सारी लाठियां तोड़ दीं।''

This lesson teachs us "Unity is Strength".

यह पाठ हमें "एकता ही शक्ति है" सिखाता है।

New words:-

Farmer - cultivator किसान 

Together - gathering एक साथ 

Untie - to open खोलना

Nobody - No one कोई नहीं

Quarrelling - dispute झगड़ा

Bundle - mass of material गट्ठा

Understand - to grasp समझना

Unity - to be one एकता


1. Make sentences from these words:-

Anxious - The farmer was anxious.

Bundle - There was a bundle of sticks.

Glad- I am glad.

Lesson - We learn a good lesson.

Unity - Unity is strength.

2. Match Column 'A' with Column 'b' -

               Column 'A'                                Column 'b'

(a) One who cultivates                         (ii) Farmer

(b) One who makes ornaments          (iv) Jeweller

(c) One who teaches in the school      (i) Teacher

(d) One who delivers letters                (v) Postman

(e) One who treats the patient             (iii) Doctor 

3. Find another words from this lesson which means the same for the words given below-

(a) cultivator = farmer किसान 

(b) heap = bundle गट्ठा

(c) not succeeded = failed असफल हुए

(d) open = untie खोलना

(e) pleased = glad खुश

(f) force = strength बल

4. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box-

Sons, strength, farmer, together, untie 

(a) They never lived together

(b) Once the farmer thought a plan.

( c) The farmer gave his sons a bundle of sticks. 

(d) the farmer asked his sons to untie the bundle .

(e) Unity is strength.

5. Choose out correct option and fill in the blanks.

(a) The sons of farmer were quarrelling.

(i) handsome (ii) quarrelling  (iii) living together

(b) The farmer was very anxious about his sons. 

(i) annoyed  (ii) pleased  (iii) anxious 

6. Answer these questions:-

( a) What did the farmer give his sons to break?

Ans.- The farmer gave his sons a bundle of sticks to break.

(b) Who could break the bundle of sticks? 

Ans - No one could break the bundle of sticks. 

( c) When did the sons become glad? 

Ans.- The sons became glad when they broke the sticks one by one. 

(d) What lesson do we get from this story?

Ans.- This lesson teachs us "Unity is Strength".


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