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All Things Bright And Beautiful

 All Things Bright And Beautiful 

All things bright and beautiful ,
All creatures great and small ,
All things wise and wonderful ,
The Lord God made them all .

Each little flower that opens ,
Each little bird that sings ,
He made their glowing colours ,
He made their tiny wings .

The rich man in his castle ,
The poor man at his gate,
God made them, high or lowly,
And ordere'd their estate .

The sunset and the morning ,
The river running by ,
The Purple headed mountain ,
That brightens up the sky .

The cold wind in the winter ,
The pleasant summer sun ,
The ripe fruits in the garden ,
He made them everyone .

The tall trees in the green wood ,
The Meadows where we play ,
The rushes by the water ,
We gather every day .

He gave us eyes to see them ,
And lips that we might tell ,
How great is God Almighty ,
Who made all things well .

                        -Cecil Frances Alexander
New Words :-
wonderful - marvelous, excellent ( आश्चर्यजनक )
Castle -Fort ,a large building (  महल )
pleasant- delightful (  सुखद )
Meadows -grassland , pasture land( घास का मैदान )
tiny - very little ( बहुत छोटा )
estate- landed property ( भू संपत्ति )
green wood-  thick  forest ( घना जंगल )
rushes- reed , a water plant (  सरकंडा , एक जलीय पौधा)

1. Answer this questions:-
(a) Who made all things bright and beautiful ?
Ans.- God made all things bright and beautiful .
(b) What did God make for the bird ?
Ans.- God made tiny wings for the birds .
(c) Where do the rich men live ?
Ans.- The rich men live in their castles.
(d) What is the use of eyes for us ?
Ans.- We see with our eyes .
(e) where do the tall trees grow?
Ans.- The tall trees grow in the green wood .

2. Write 'True' or 'False' -
(a) Creatures are great and small . True
(b) The mountain is blue headed . False
(c) Lips are to pray and thank God . True
(d) Birds have no wings . False
(e) We have eyes to hear . False
(f) The wind is cold in winter . True

3. Match the columns-
   Quality                     Things
(a) little                     (ii) birds
(b) Almighty            (iii) God
(c) tiny                      ( i) wings
(d) pleasant             (iv) summer
(e) glowing              (vi) colours
(f) purple headed   (v) mountain 

4. Divide the given words in two columns -
table, tree, pen, cow, forest, radio, car, river, swimming pool ,star, aeroplane, mountain, lake, earth, mobile, television .
God made             Man made
tree                         table
cow                         pen
forest                      radio
river                        car
star                          swimming pool
mountain               aeroplane
Lake                        mobile
earth                       television

5. Write the group name of the following -
(a) father, mother, brother, sister, son , -  Relations
(b) mango, banyan, neem, teak, guava, - Trees  
(c) Coat, frock, jacket, cap, shirt , - Desses
(d) India, Nepal, America, Pakistan, Sri Lanka ,            -Countries
(e) Ramayana, Gita, Mahabharata, Quran, Bible,          --Holy books
(f) cricket, football, hockey, badminton, tennis,           -  Games

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